‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Machine Learning. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Machine Learning. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الاثنين، 17 مايو 2021

Some Information For AI & ML & DL

Some Information For AI & ML & DL

• الـ Machine Learning هو أحد فروع الـ Artificial Intelligence

• ال ML نقوم بأستخدام من أجل تصميم Algorithm لأستخدامها فى الـData Science , Data Mining , Artificial Intelligence
• ال ML بينقسم لثلاث أنواع :-
• Supervised Learning
1. Classification "SVC"
2. Regression "SVR"
• Unsupervised Learning
1. Clustering "Kmeans"
2. Dimensionality "PCA"
• Reinforcement Learning
• يندرج الـ Deep Learning ضمن أحد الادوات المستخدمة بجانب الـ Machine Learning و هو تم أستخدامة فى بداية عام 2006
• من أشهر الـ Algorithm المستخدمة فى مجال الـ Deep Learning و مجال AI هى :-
1. Deep Neural Network
2. Convolutional Neural Network
3. Recurrent Neural Network
• و من أشهر الـ Libraries المذكورة فى البوست الخاص بالـ Python Libraries فى مجال Deep Learning هى كالاتى :-
1. Theano
2. TensorFlow
3. Lasagne
4. Keras
5. MXnet

What do I need to know to be a Data Scientist

What do I need to know to be a Data Scientist?

  1. You need to understand data. Know how to explore it and how to use statistical and analytical techniques
  2. You need to be able to query and manipulate data sets into required formats using Transact-SQL
  3. You need to be able to present data in a meaningful way by using tools such as Excel or Power BI.
  4. You need to understand statistics, and its role in gaining insights from data.
  5. You need to know how to use a statistical programming language such as R or Python.
  6. You need to be able to perform data transformation, cleansing and some statistical analysis
  7. You must understand data science concepts such as machine learning, algorithms , conditional probability etc
  8. You must be able to create machine learning models, and how to evaluate them
  9. You must be able to use machine learning to generate predictions and solve problems
  10. You must learn how to use tools such as Microsoft Azure HDInsight , Scala, Spark etc